Online Overviews of the Church
Welcome to the orthodox church
Welcome to the Orthodox Church—its history, theology, worship, spirituality, and daily life. This video guide provides a comprehensive introduction to Orthodoxy.Mathews-Green provides commentary and explanations on everything from how to “venerate” an icon, the Orthodox understanding of the atonement, to the Lenten significance of tofu. Enjoy the series? Check out her companion book, which visits the same topics, but with a twist: viewers learn by making a series of visits to a fictitious church, and get to know the faith as new Christians did for most of history, by immersion.
Follow this link to access the video series.
New day. New path. Orthodox Christianity for Inquirers
Fr. John Oliver of St Elizabeth’s in Murfreesboro, TN has created this wonderful introductory video for those inquiring into Orthodoxy.
the mystery of liturgy
Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of the Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk in South Canaan, Pennsylvania, speaks about the Liturgy as concrete encounter with God through the Incarnate Christ, who unites Himself to us through the sacraments and life of the Church thereby working the great mystery of our salvation.
Click here to watch the presentation!